
Bright-sounding with good sustain, volume and bell-like tone is what I aim for. Mandolins can be built as either 8 or 10 string instruments. For mandolins, I generally use Sitka or Engelmann Spruce fronts for my 'standard' model.

A large variation in instrument tone is possible through the combination of timbers used in construction and in the body depth, but in general I'd describe my mandolins as more suitable for Celtic rather than bluegrass music...

Length 65cm Width 26cm

Scale 35.5cm/14"

Supplied complete with fitted hard-shell case

"What can I say more than "so that's what a mandolin sounds like.." You have given me a treasure for life!" - Andy Black

Prices from NZ$1700
Check out the materials HERE and more detailed prices HERE

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LT8 & LT10

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